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          Wareham URC – Activity Questionnaire

       We recently undertook a study to find out what
       our congregation were coming along to and ask
       what they would like to see put on. We made no
       promises, spirit is always willing, but numbers
       of bodies are few! We were delighted that a good number of
       questionnaires were completed (with no spoilt papers!) and the
       Elders have analysed the results and have been able to start
       planning activities to match some of the requests.

       Not surprisingly events involving food were popular and some
       responders offered to provide or help at social meals. The first of
       these will be a Church lunch following the service on July 2 .
       To answer the question of one member of the congregation, yes
       ‘heathen spouses’ are more than welcome to attend! Please see
       elsewhere in the magazine for further details, and we offer a huge
       thanks to Gerry. In the summer we are hoping to take advantage of
       the good weather (prayers please!) and the generous hospitality
       of Shirley, for a garden afternoon tea. This will be timed to allow the
       younger relatives of some members to attend and should be a
       lovely family event.

       A number of folk were thinking not only of bodily sustenance, but
       also enrichment of the soul. There is regular attendance at the
       fortnightly Bible study, but some who work have requested one at a
       time when they can attend. Martyn has kindly agreed to lead a
       monthly evening session and Marion has offered her home as a
       venue. As soon as the date of the first session is confirmed we will
       let you know.

       Another suggestion which scored well for a positive response, was
       a Songs of Praise. Elders are discussing when this could happen,
       but please be assured we have listened and it will take place at
       some point.

       A big thank you to all who took the time to respond to our survey
       and we hope that our time of togetherness as a church family will
       be enhanced as a result.
                                              Felicity (for Wareham Elders)
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