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Church Family Diary ~ June

        Friday 2nd       9.30 am   Coffee@112
        Friday 2nd       2 pm       Open the Book Rehearsal
        Sunday 4th       10.30 am  Morning Worship, joint service at the
                                    Methodist Church with the
                                    Salvation Army

        Tuesday 6th      1,30 pm  CUChooseday
        Friday 9th       9.30 am   Coffee@112
        Friday 9th       2 pm       Open the Book Rehearsal
        Sunday 11th  10.30 am  Morning Worship,
                                    Canon John Wood

        Tuesday 13th  2 pm          Bible Study
        Friday 16th      9.30 am   Coffee@112
        Friday 16th      2 pm       Open the Book Rehearsal
        Sunday 18th  10.30 am  Morning Worship and Communion
                                    Revd Martyn Neads

        Tuesday 20th  1,30 pm  CUChooseday
        Wed 21st         2 - 4 pm  Prayer Afternoon
        Friday 23rd      9.30 am   Coffee@112
        Friday 23rd      2 pm       Open the Book Rehearsal
        Sunday 25th  10.30 am  Morning Worship,
                                    Revd Martyn Neads
        Tuesday 27th  2 pm          Bible Study
        Friday 30th      9.30 am  Coffee@112
        Friday 30th      2 pm       Open the Book Rehearsal

        Each Saturday morning at 9.30 am Ukulele Practice

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