Page 2 - news and views 2022 definitive
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        Corona virus, in its several incarnations, won’t go away, so the scientists tell us. We have got to
        learn to live with it, say our political masters. OK, supposing we have to live with it, what does that

        mean for us living out our everyday lives?

        Over the past two years we have been unable to communicate, in the broadest sense of that
        word with:

              those we love: NO hugs,
             people we know: NO handshakes,
             friends: NO convivial shared meals,

             casual encounters, social distancing: NO face-to-face conversations,
             voices, muffled through masks NO clarity.

        It all sounds a bit negative. What can we do about it as we look forward to living with the virus?

        We can still communicate. We can write: E-mail, text message, WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook and
        any other of the social media. Then there is the good old-fashioned printed word.  It has served us
        well since Caxton’s printing press in the fifteenth century.

        This edition, though a bit thinner than previous News and Views, contains some very worthwhile
        written words from members of the BCA Quaker community. Do you have something to share?
        Something that you find moving, something arresting, something challenging, something you find

        Anyone can write; just do it. We look forward to receiving your contribution for the Summer News

        and Views. The deadline for receipt of contributions is 7th May.

        Dorrie and Eric Johnson

            With all creation we celebrate
            the miracle and wonder of life
            the unfolding purposes of God
            forever at work in ourselves and in the world.

            From the Iona Abbey Worship Book
                                                                                     Cover Photograph: Dorrie

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