Page 6 - news and views 2022 definitive
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It can be man-made, like the Angel of the North, or natural but man-modified like St. Augustine’s
well or totally natural like a yew tree but whatever it is, it is an angel.
What is an angel? An angel is a being or substance who is a pure spirit. Angels are said to have
intellect and will and so exercise knowledge and love. Each angel is essentially a centre of
consciousness sometimes without a body. Angels are conscious in a manner far beyond human
Could it be said that each angel is a totally unique being
specially created by God and endowed with powers for
knowing, loving, acting, and rejoicing in a manner far beyond
our way of doing these things. But, for us humans, angels ex-
ist in an altogether higher order of reality, which has the
capability to stimulate and bring forth within us not just the
mere attaching of symbols like ribbons to hedges or locks to
bridges but a deeper sense of love not easily expressed in
the hurly burly of everyday life
Angels therefore are essential for each of us; we need them
for ourselves and for those around us. We may call angels by
other names such as statues, gardens, churches, woodland
glades, forest streams and hedgerows but even so, they are
angels, and do we not need them? And if so, what is your
An angel seen on the ridge of St Catherine’s Hill
Nature Reserve, but lost in the last gales.
Photograph Dorrie Johnson