Page 10 - news and views 2022 definitive
P. 10

The Area Experiment with Light Group                                           David Brown

         The Area Experiment with Light group had its first meeting on March 24 , 2020 and has met
         every Tuesday at 10.30am on zoom since then.  There are normally seven or eight of us.  The

         Experiment with Light (EwL) is a kind of guided meditation, lasting around forty minutes.

         It is a Quaker practice based on early Friends’ discoveries and was devised in 1996 by Quaker
         Rex Ambler following his study of early Friends’ writings.

         The scripts for the EwLs are available online:
         where there are currently four scripts that can be accessed, including audio versions which you

         can listen to.  Our area group uses a different script each time.  We rotate the readers of the
         scripts too.

         Every script includes a number of instructions, between six and nine, and each instruction is

         followed by a few minutes silence, on average five minutes,  for contemplation of the

         All the scripts for the Experiment with Light begin in the same way with the instruction to relax
         and to become still, ‘relaxing body and mind.’ This helps us to become ‘wholly receptive.’

         The experiment with light talks about the treasures to be found within:  ‘the inner pearl,’ ‘the
         inner light,’ and ‘the life and power of truth.’

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