Page 15 - news and views 2022 definitive
P. 15

Quaker Advice and Queries   no. 42                                         Barbara Crawford

         We do not own the world, & its riches are not ours to dispose of at will.  Show a loving
         consideration for all creatures, & seek to maintain the beauty & variety of the world.  Work to
         ensure that our increasing power over nature is used responsibly, with reverence for life.  Rejoice
         in the splendour of God’s continuing creation.

         My son said, “How can bird have more right to be here than we have?” & I said, “because it
         hasn’t done anything to damage the environment & our species has."

                                             A Chance Encounter  8.10.21

                                              for the level crossing gates

                                                        to open.
                                                “Hello.”  This to a bird.

                                              A man beside me is equally

                                         “ It’s a wagtail, not sure which kind.”

                                         “It’s not bothered about all the feet.”

                                              “He’s got his own agenda.”
                                            “He’s got more right to be here

                                                    than we have.”


                    The Editors have received several email comments on the Quaker
                    Principles or Testimonies.  They would be interested in receiving your

                    experiences, interpretation and application of these.


                Apologies are offered to Peter Wilson,  Poole Meeting, whose contribution to
                News and Views Autumn/Winter 2021– Spirituality and Dementia, was
                unacknowledged as his name had slipped off the page.

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