Page 17 - news and views 2022 definitive
P. 17

Now forgive and forget, and let go every grudge;
                                 That person who vexes you, send them some fudge!

                                   God leads you beside the still waters," said Fox,
                                     "And then to a concert with music that rocks.

                               Spike those cups running over," said George with a grin,
                                   "With some spirits to kindle the fire that's within;

                                 Be joyful," said George, "banish all fear and stress,
                                   Your unbounded goodness will fix this big mess;

                                      The ills of this world, below heaven above,
                                    Will yield and be healed with simply your love!"

                               And with this final message, George flew into the night,
                                     And over the dark, flowed an ocean of light,

                             So now, break your silence, playing chords while bells ring,
                                     My friends, it is time that we stand up and sing.


         Where, in the BCA, is this image to be found?         Who is the photographer?

          Answer page 21

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