Page 21 - news and views 2022 definitive
P. 21
White wings flash against sombre skies as they dive, snatch and ascend, riding on the wind and
deftly avoiding collisions, until they depart for the heights once more, disappearing amongst the
tumbled clouds.
How much I have enjoyed the company of my feathered friends during this strange period of
Covid, when human company has been unavailable for much of the time. Like humans, they too
have individual characters and different needs and behaviour, which has been so interesting to
Photograph Dorrie Johnson
Among the comments:
Advices and queries No. 6
Do you work gladly with other religious groups in the pursuit of common goals?
While remaining faithful to Quaker insights, try to enter imaginatively into the
life and witness of other communities of faith, creating together the bonds of
Kahlil Gibran - The Prophet
I love you, my brother, whoever you are - whether you worship in a church,
kneel in your temple, or pray in your mosque. You and I are children of one
faith, for the diverse paths of religion are fingers of the loving hand of the one
supreme being, a hand extended to all, offering completeness of spirit to all,
eager to receive all.
Answer to mystery image page 17
Image 1. In the Quire of the Priory Church, Christchurch.. Len Wigg was the photographer