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“By this all people will know that you are
my disciples, if you have love for one
another.” (John 13:35, ESV)
In Jesus’ time, loving people affected by leprosy was controversial.
Yet He loved them all the same. And He called His disciples to
follow his example of radical compassion.
2,000 years later, you are continuing this discipleship. Thank you
for praying so faithfully for people affected by leprosy and our
teams across the world.
This month, we invite you to pray with us for Bangladesh.
Leprosy services are few and far between here. Nilphamari
Hospital is the only place providing reconstructive surgery for
leprosy in the country. Please lift each patient there up to the Lord
today. May they know His peace, healing, and love. Pray too for
wisdom and guidance for the medics serving at this incredible
Many people affected by leprosy live in rural areas and can’t afford
to travel to hospital. Our teams are bringing healthcare to these
precious communities. Please pray for protection as they travel
long distances to help those most in need. Ask that through pop-up
clinics, more people will be diagnosed and treated.
But healthcare is just one part of our work together in Bangladesh.
We are helping people to recover after natural disasters due to
climate change and standing with communities as they lift
themselves out of poverty, and speak out against discrimination.
Please pray that their calls for change will be heard. And also, that
people with leprosy are not forgotten in disaster relief.
Thank you for living out Christ’s call to love others. Through your
discipleship, you are bringing healing and hope to people affected
by leprosy across Bangladesh.
Every Blessing,
The Leprosy Mission