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Some times people promise to do something for us, but for
unforeseen reasons are unable to fulfil their promises. They are full
of apologies of their failure, and we feel sorry for them: they had an
accident, their car broke down, the train was delayed, a loved one
was taken ill. God, however, never breaks his promises to us.
Notice what Scripture says of Him:
- All the promises of God are yes and in Him Amen, unto the glory
of God - 2 Cor 1:20
- The Lord is near to those of a broken heart; and saves those who
have a contrite spirit- Palm 34:18
And, of course, I am sure you are well able to think of other
Scripture promises.
This glorious hymn was written by Russell Kelso Carter. He was
born on November 18th 1849 in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, and
died on August 23rd 1928 He was an amazing person. A military
man with outstanding qualities: professor of chemistry, natural
science, civil engineering, and mathematics for years at the
Pennsylvania Military Academy. He was also, though how he
managed to fit everything into his life, an athlete and Methodist
It’s believed that his tune to his hymn had a military beat to it. I like
to think something like the marching tune to “Onward Christian
Soldiers!” I remember when I spent a week at Westminster College
with a group of people how much we enjoyed the closing hymn of
the final service. We linked hands and marched round the church
singing: “We are marching in the light of God!”
May we have the light of God
in our eyes and in our hearts
as we live for Jesus day by
Graham Neads