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The Swanage Bible Society Action Group would like to say a
       huge “Thank you” to everyone who so generously donated cakes

       to the “Bake/Bring a Cake for Bibles” fundraiser last Sunday 19th
       January at Emmanuel Baptist Church where the United Service
       was held. (£500) in donations was received!

       This will pay for approx 100 Bibles to be sent to people who need
       them! Thank you all again.

       Bible Society - Swanage Action Group

       The Book That Transforms Lives - The Bible….God’s Word!”

       “You’ll have seen so many times over the years that what’s hot
       today will turn cold tomorrow. And yet we still have the Bible, which
       is 2,000 years old and is as relevant as ever.” Bible Society

       Few books, if any, can acclaim to do what this anointed Word of
       God can do in the lives of so many people, regardless of their walk
       in life, or shall we say, regardless of what life has thrown at them!

       Take for example the Prisons in Bristol! You would be so touched
       by the testimony of Harry Fenner Crawley who relates his
       experience of sharing his own story in two Sunday services in the
       prisons. Harry shares a powerful experience in the Ukraine. He
       also highlights the work of George Muller who read the Bible 200
       times, changing the lives of orphans in Bristol and the effect of the
       Bible on the lives of Iranians in Britain.

       He speaks of the power of the Holy Spirit’s presence experienced
       while he spoke about these services where people shared the
       verses from the Bible that had a profound effect on them and in
       their lives.

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