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have hurt us. Help us to forgive ourselves, too, as we know in our
       hearts the power of your forgiveness over us. God of justice and
       mercy, teach us to live well, to care for the widow, the orphan and
       the stranger, and love our neighbour as ourselves. Amen.

                  Forgive us, Lord, when we have not engaged
                  failing to scribe Your heart on history’s page
                  make us again what we were made to be
                  Transform, revive, and heal society.

                  Faithful to govern ever may we be
                  selfless in service, loving constantly
                  In everything may Your authority
                  Transform, revive, and heal society
                  Transform, revive, and heal society

                                    Andy Flannagan, Noel Robinson, Graham Hunter

       This was sung at the Houses of Parliament (UK National Prayer
       Breakfast 2022 - the first time in 3 years a meeting had taken place
       in person), which was attended by 700 MPs and peers. These
       regular acts of worship celebrate the contribution of Christianity to
       the national life of the UK and reflects on the continuing relevance
       of the Christian faith to politics and public life.

       Final Hymn

              We have heard God in the hush of day’s ending
              whispering our name in the deep space of night;
              leaving the nets of torn lives that need mending,
              we’er called to follow, to walk in Love’s light.

              We have heard God in God’s covenant story:
              Rainbow of promise and bone-knitting breath;
              Cross on the sky-line transformed by God’s glory,
              speaking of hope and a life beyond death.

              We have heard God in the din of life’s clamour
              as we converse in the world’s sacred throng;
              Silence’s syllables and liturgy’s grammar
              teach us the Word of heavenly song.
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