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P. 25

Prayer Points Summary
       ·     Thank God for how Remix has developed over the years and how it

             has become a nourishing environment for both the team and young
             musicians. Pray that the young people can see and pursue the
             source of what causes Remix to be such a positive environment,
             which is the gospel of Christ. Pray also that we can help the young
             people to continue to grow in their talents, that it can lead to them
             using it for God’s glory.

       ·     Pray for the spiritual exploration that is taking place at Rooted and
             CU. Pray for us as we engage with the young people and present
             the gospel to them, that they can encounter the love of Jesus for
             themselves. Pray that more young people can engage in these
       ·     Pray for Richard, Hannah and Ann-Marie, as they work together to
             support young people at The Swanage School. Pray that God will
             give them wisdom and guidance with the conversations taking
       ·     Thank God for the opportunities we have to develop new clubs and
             ask that God would guide us in how we can make the most of utilis-
             ing our resources to share the gospel with the younger generations.

       If you are not already receiving our prayer letter directly in your inbox,
       please get in touch with Berno Vierbergen at
       who can sign you up. We gather the first Thursday of every month at All
       Saints from 8:30 am to share breakfast and pray together. You would be
       very welcome to join us and find out more about what we get up to!
       Our best wishes,

       Wave Youth Team: Berno, Hannah and Richard


        Our Beetle & Bingo evening proved a great success raising £350 –
        a great start to our Fund Raising.

        A 60’s & 70’s Quiz is on Saturday 20  April and Martin has that
        well in hand already! Ruth has tickets for sale at £6 to include a
        Ploughman’s Supper. She is also organising the raffle!
        If, having bought a ticket, you are unable to come, please let us
        know for catering purposes.                              Elizabeth

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