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From Judy Forgan

       I would just like to thank you all for your contribution in
       all different ways, whether reading, welcoming, catering,
       providing music or decoration, standing in at the last
       moment, at the WORLD DAY OF PRAYER on Friday 1st March.

       People who joined us were all
       very complimentary and moved
       by the poignant service.  I had
       to get somebody to check
       through all the white envelopes
       and we were amazed to
       discover that donations came
       to £266.31 of which £88 will
       also bring in some gift aid.  This
       has now been paid in.

       Next year the country preparing the WDP service is the Cook
       Islands which will be very different.  I have been asked to complete
       a form to say where next year’s service will be held, so if anyone
       has any ideas, perhaps you could let me know.  Perhaps we should
       try to have a get together to have a sort of de-brief and bit of
       forward planning?  The date for next year is Friday 7  March 2025.

       Our thanks also to the amazing team - ladies and gents who
       prepared and served such a lovely lunch and enabled us to chat
       and get to know each other more.  It was a special time for all.

                                                                 Day of
                                                                 will be

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