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Presbyterian Churches in Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, South
       Korea and Taiwan, and many Churches in the Pacific area belong,

       plus some in Africa and the Caribbean.

       CWM is currently funding two missionaries in the London area from
       South Korea and Taiwan, and sees its mission as being called in
       Christ to radical and prophetic discipleship, working alongside
       churches and the ecumenical community to resist life-denying
       systems, affirm peace, do justice and enable life-flourishing

       It is amazing that we can go to the other side of the world (in my
       experience Vanuatu in the Pacific) and be warmly welcomed by the
       church there, and I think we need more consciously to thank God
       for, as a result of past sacrificial missionary work, his wonderful
       world-wide Church to which  we all have the privilege of belonging.

       Brian Wilkins


       Recently we learned just how valuable a defibrillator
       can be and saw how simple it can be to use one.

       At a familiarisation evening in March the unit was
       demonstrated by the Swanage
       Community Defibrillator Partnership.

       During the evening Swanage Rotary
       President, Chris Le Fevre, presented
       Jonathan Greetham with a Rotary
       Paul Harris Fellowship in recognition
       of his commitment to the community
       as a First Responder.

       If you have any questions or just want
       to know more about the defibrillator
       talk to Jim.

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