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intermittently; then there are times of despondency and sadness
       when Christ seems absent in our lives. It is at such times that we

       need to cling to our faith by our fingernails, remember the times of
       intimacy and trust in Him to see us through until we see His
       beautiful face once more.

       May the joy  of Easter encourage you and remain with you
       throughout the year.

       Ann  Squire


       Everyone is welcome to join us in person at the church or on
       zoom. We pray for the people on our prayer chain, but also for the
       prayer requests on the Prayer Tree. Please remember to keep put-
       ting them on the prayer tree. You can give as much or as little in-
       formation as you wish. We check each week for prayers to
       include in the prayer time and mark the prayer requests to show
       we have used them. An update is useful if you wish us to continue
       in prayer after a few weeks.

       We get together on Zoom each Thursday morning at 9 am for 30
       minutes for a quiet time of thoughtful reflection If you prefer you
       can join in at Church.

                             Join the online ZOOM prayer
          The Login details are: Mee ng ID: 851 3113 5650 Passcode G3h2i5

       Some encouraging news about Margaret Leivesley.
       Margaret has been moved to Bournemouth Hospital. She
       is on stroke ward 28/29. Visiting is 11 till 8 if anyone from
       church would like to go and see her, avoiding 12-1 and
       5-6 mealtimes.
       The more stimulation she gets the better her rehab will be
       so we are encouraging visitors to give a small amount of
       their time so she hears different voices.

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