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He suffered, died and rose again for me;
                         He joined the Father in heaven,

                        Sitting on God's right hand side,
                     who will judge the living and the dead.
        I believe in God the Son, who lives in our hearts through faith
                            And fills us with His love.
                    I believe in the Holy Spirit, who comforts
                              and gives us strength.
       I believe that God forgives our sins and gives us the chance of
                                  everlasting life.

       Maybe you could try writing your own.

       Every blessing  Janet

                 WAREHAM DIARY FOR APRIL 2024

                                    Tuesday 2
                                     Lunch Club
                  See Liz or call 01929 259440 if you’d like to join

                                2 pm Elders’ Meeting

                                    Thursday 4
                              From 7.30 am ~ Market
                        10 am – 11.45 am ~ Coffee Morning
             12 noon – 12.45 ~ Bible Study: continuing current course
                                    All welcome

                                     Sunday 7
                              10.30 Morning Service,
             including Holy Communion, led by Revd David Vincent.
                                    All welcome

                                   Continued over

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