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(Opposite Chococo)
          is a Charitable venue created to serve the Community of Swanage.

                Every Wednesday it is open for lunch 12.30 - 2 pm.
               Jacket potatoes, toppings or soup. Vegetarian menu.

                              Everyone is welcome.

                        Tea and coffee and chat until 4 pm.
                        No fixed price. Donations welcome.
                    Come and visit. A lovely welcoming group.

         THE                     Foodbank News

          F     Meetings have taken place with representatives from URC
                and Foodbank to discuss and set in place various
                agreements for the Foodbank to move to the small hall.
          o       The Salvation Army have given the Foodbank an extra

          o     week to move from their premises, which is most helpful as
                the deadline was Easter weekend! So Tuesday 2  April is
                Moving day with Foodbank taking over the small hall at
          d     URC from Monday18  March to enable freestanding
                shelving to be assembled, and other equipment to be set in
          b       Thankyou so much to all involved in clearing cupboard

                shelves and moving various pieces of equipment from the
          a     area that will be used.

                Foodbank has had a quieter few weeks during March, so
          n     stocks have been kept low until the move to the small hall.
                Besom have generously loaned their van for the move
                which will be a great help. So we are all set to go!
          k       Many thanks as always for your support


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