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Weeks when the
       Tears in dark
       Stillness tremble.

       But if you listen, you’ll hear God’s fingers
       Tapping his constant loving rhythm.

       Bird-singing, spring-bringing, sun-rising
       Soul-healing, world-reaching, Cross-teaching Anthem.
       Death-beating, pain-treating, tear-drying Love-song.
       Now is the time, the time to dance.

                                                                 Wendy Fellingham

                            We welcome our friends: Morena

       Prayers: Led by Donalda: Please remain seated and join in the first
       two verses before our prayer and conclude with the final two verses

              We seek Your Kingdom throughout every sphere
              We long for Heaven’s demonstration here
              Jesus, Your light shine bright for all to see
              Transform, revive, and heal society.

              Peace, truth, and justice reigning everywhere
              With us be present in our public square
              Fill all who lead with Your integrity
              Transform, revive, and heal society.

       Prayer: Loving Father, help us to be a community of loving people.
       We pray you’ll be the centre of and inspiration for all of our
       relationships, inside and outside the Church. Help us to live in the
       reality of your love and forgiveness today by forgiving others who
       have hurt us. Help us to forgive ourselves, too, as we know in our
       hearts the power of your forgiveness over us. God of justice and
       mercy, teach us to live well, to care for the widow, the orphan and
       the stranger, and love our neighbour as ourselves. Amen.
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