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P. 4

Vagabonds: please join in

         Come, all you vagabonds,              Come all believers
         come all you ‘don’t belongs’          and dreamers and schemers,
         winners and losers,                   and come all you restless
         come, people like me.                 just searching for home;
         Come all you travellers               Movers and shakers
         tired from the journey,               and givers and takers,
         come wait a while, stay a while,      the happy, the sad
         welcomed you’ll be.                   and the lost and alone.

         Come all you questioners              Come self-sufficient
         looking for answers,                  With wearied ambition,
         and searching for reasons             and come those who feel
         and sense in it all;                  at the end of the road.
         Come all you fallen,                  Fiery debaters
         and come all you broken,              and religion haters,
         find strength for your body           accusers, abusers,
         and food for your soul.               the hurt and ignored.

         Chorus                                Chorus
         Come to the feast,                    Come to the feast,
         there is room at the table.           there is room at the table.
         come let us meet in this place.       come let us meet in this place.
         with the King of all kindness         with the King of all kindness
         who welcomes us in,                   who welcomes us in,
         with the wonder of love,              with the wonder of love,
         and the power of grace.               and the power of grace.
         The wonder of the love,               The wonder of the love,
         and the power of grace.               and the power of grace.
         Come those who worry
         ‘bout houses and money,           Stuart Townend, Mark Edwards &
         and all those who don’t have      Phil Baggaley Copyright © 2011
         a care in the world;
         From every station
         and orientation,
         the helpless, the hopeless,
         the young and the old.
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