Page 15 - SPRING 2024 News and Views
P. 15

I believe in the interconnectedness of all things.
                Nothing exists in isolation and nothing may be removed or altered without altering or removing a
                characteristic affecting other things. This belief extends to the nurturing of our planet such as to
                sustain its beauty in perpetuity for all of the life-forms which are resident upon it. The
                interruption of the connectedness of all things upsets the balance of nature. This produces
                inequality resulting in complications which affect the integrity of things where truth is corrupted,
                such that violence erupts disturbing peace.

         I believe in kindness.
                If I am kind then I am peaceful and peaceable. I will have no need for truth because kindness does
                not permit the avoidance of integrity. Kindness is a simple concept and applies equally to self as
                to others (for who could be unkind to others when at peace with oneself?). Kindness does not
                exist of itself for without a recipient there can be no giver, for kindness, like happiness is a
                paradox; one receives it by giving it away.

         I believe in God.
                My belief in God extends only to the belief that God exists. I have no need to understand or
                describe or justify God or my belief. I do not accord to God supernatural powers within my
                understanding but powers beyond it. God is not human so I do not infer that God exercises
                human thoughts, processes or judgmental powers. God is ineffable and that suffices for me. It is a
                peaceful belief in that I believe God does not cause wars. It is an honest belief in that I do not
                believe God has told me lies or deceived me. I detect no lack of integrity with God. My belief is
                simple in that God is God, and that is that. God is OK with me as well as with others and that is an
                equality and fairness with which I am content. I see that I exist in a world of earth, water, wind
                and fire and collectively they nurture all life-forms and that in many ways I benefit from this
                wonderfully created world. I thank God for it. My thanks extend to my desire to be kindly in all
                that I do and I thank God for his forgiveness when I forget to do so, and I thank God also for the
                forbearance and grace of others to whom I should have given it but did not. I thank God for being
                God, for God succours me.

           I do not know if the above extends to being a Quaker creed but I am a Quaker and it has found a place I
           in me.

                                                                                               Stephen Feltham

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