Page 26 - SPRING 2024 News and Views
P. 26

Transplant Shock                                                                           Nikki Vesey

          I delighted in my sunny spot                        There is a brittle clip, clip, clip
          Next to the blackberry bush                         The wrinkled ugly parts of me
          My hardy neighbour expounding generosity            Drop to the ground
          With her dark sweet fruit                           Those I am not proud of
          As the summer days rolled by                        My shame gradually falling away
                                                              Human agitation pulsates
          The photinia looking down on us                     As they fuss, fuss, fuss with their watering can
          Her red green leaves whispering softly              Are these glimmers of love?
          My tall stems stretching proudly
          A multitude of yellow ready to explode              They look on me and talk of parenting
          With magnificent splendour                          Words of nurture echo around me
          A dance of nature                                   Doubtful tones swirl around
          Weaving her magic in the air                        Their hopeful grasp for recovery
                                                              I am an orphan
          The wrenching was sudden                            Yet could I be the child they speak of?
          An uprooting with no warning
          Clinging to the soil                                A tentative stirring in the darkness
          Fighting separation from my homeland                A seeking for the source of life
          I am thrust into a new and barren hole              My roots breaking through the trauma

          The bare white wall around me                       With patient care above the surface
          A stifling heat beating down                        In the realm of light
          The humans looking on expectantly                   The succour from the earth
          Awaiting my unquestioned performance                Becomes small specks of possibility
          My blooming their prize to claim                    Upon my stems
                                                              And finally a leafy greenness
          Yet unfamiliarity                                   Dares to make its statement
          Lack of attunement
          To my new surroundings                              Soaking in the rays of brilliant warmth
          Catapults me into shock                             An energy responding to a call to go forth
          To put down roots and thrive                        A catalyst propelling me towards my destiny
          In this foreign landscape                           An exponential symphony of growth
          A paralysing concept                                Reclaiming my floral wonder
                                                              Proclaiming the purpose for which I came to
          Anxiety hovers on the breeze                                                                                           this garden
          And I am rendered helpless
          As the colour drains from my leaves                 The honeysuckle conversing with the bees
          And my buds droop                                   Drawing me towards their harmony
          I am withering and lost                             An invitation to settle and cease my protest
          My trust broken                                     To find connection with new neighbours
          My needs cast aside                                 I am filled with glorious anticipation

          But what is this?                                   Perhaps the humans meant well
            A second uprooting?                               But they might learn
           Their hands upon my roots                          That change requires consideration
           A loosening of tension                             Transition preparation
           As the old soil falls away                         A careful easing into new ways of being
           And then I am back in my hole                      In new places of flourishing

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