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If you are sending items to me for the Link can you please
put ‘The Link’ in the subject line of the email AND
importantly do not include anything else in that email.
Incoming emails for the Link are filed separately. Please
send it as you want it to be printed;
it will save me having to re-write it.
Many thanks ~ Jim
The recent Christmas Lunch was so successful that the
plans are that a regular lunch date is proposed.
The first one will be on 26th February after the AGM.
They will probably continue thereafter every other month.
Food Bank
Looking back, Christmas seems quite a while ago already!
We were overwhelmed at Food Bank with the town’s generosity donating
Christmas goodies. Over 50 bags were filled and distributed to families, couples
and individuals during early December. This was in addition to the ongoing
requests and referrals. during the month.
Recipients were thrilled and very grateful to see the lovely selection. I saw one
young mum tell her toddler that they were going to have a Christmas after all.
Demand has been steady since the start of January. Supplies of tins of cold
meat, and tins suitable for warm meals are given, enough for up to a week, so
the shelves soon get depleted.
Fruit and vegetables are always acceptable too, but would need to be placed in
the Church donation bin before it is emptied on Mondays, or at the Salvation
Army Lower Hall Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays between 12 – 2 pm.
Thankyou all so much once more for your ongoing support .