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Swanage Foodbank
          We have been experiencing a fewer number of requests during the

         school summer holidays. However, we are expecting a large increase
              this coming Autumn and Winter with the rising cost of living.

        The following items are always most acceptable: Ideal for one person –
                    Small bags sugar and small boxes of teabags
                  Small jars of sauce for pasta (ideal for one person)
                    sweet and savoury biscuits. Tins of cold meat.

                               Thankyou all once again.
       Blest by an Angel in disguise?

       A few weeks ago, I was on Food Bank duty for the week. Our family from Canada had
       returned home after being with us for a month, and we were feeling rather
       ungracious and disgruntled that morning returning to our commitments!

       Robin was transferring the Food bank collection donations from Budgens into
       the car and I was loading in the fresh produce I’d just bought. A lady came up to
       us and asked if we were involved with Food Bank and she handed us a
       donation.. I said that was very kind of her, and she gave me what I thought was a
       folded £10 note.

       It’s always quite moving when people come up to us when
       we’re collecting and give a donation or just interested in
       the logistics of how we work. I looked at the lady’s
       donation a few minutes later and realised it was £50!

       I noticed her again waiting for ‘Day Lewis’ Pharmacy to
       open, so I thanked her again and said that I felt quite her kindness and generosity. She asked if I was a
       Christian, I said yes and she pressed something into my
       hand. Pictured right>

       I felt truly blest and got on with the day in rather a different frame of mind to
       earlier that morning!

                                                 Weekly or two-weekly for 2/3
         Kath Savage Cleaning                     hours depending on your
          (Chris Pullen’s daughter-in-law)      requirements. Days and times
         Reliable Top quality cleaning          negotiable - reasonable rates
                                               Contact Kath on 07762 282977
         (Already cleaning for some of the        or Chris on 01929 423505
             lovely people at Church)


                           Are you ready to pray?
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