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Thank you to all of you who supported the Garden Cream Teas.
We enjoyed many afternoons of fellowship and laughter.
Sunday 25 September is Harvest Festival and we are planning a
Social Evening to celebrate on Saturday 24 , from 6 pm. The
evening is open to everyone and will include a Bring and Share
Supper. The Fund Raisers will provide a selection of sandwiches
but please bring any other small contribution for the table.
No charge but Gill and Shirley have a Raffle in preparation!
Hopefully on the 8th October Ruth’s Murder Mystery will be
solved. If you haven’t already got your ticket she may have one or
two left!
Coffee@112 is also a contributor to our Fund Raising. If you’ve not
yet visited, you will find a warm welcome on a Friday morning and
many friends.
The Fun Raisers
Harvest Festival
Donation of tins for the
Food Bank please. If you
tape a £1 coin to the top
these will be passed to
Thank you