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Then, following further study, Ivan obtained first class finals
qualifications in Communications and Electrical Engineering. This
was soon followed by promotion and, along with the amalgamation
of the Bournemouth and Southampton telephone areas, Ivan was
given responsibility for the installation and commissioning of the
majority of the area's electronic telephone exchanges.
During this time Ivan met and married Violet, and they were happily
married for twenty-six years, before Vi sadly died, following a long
illness, some years before retirement.
Then, thanks to mutual friends and a mutual love of dancing, Ivan
met Nancy, who had also been sadly widowed. They hit it off, so
carried on going dancing and having meals in local hotels. They
were married in 1977.
Ivan and Nancy lived in Rabling Road, before moving to
St Aldhelms Court when it opened in 1999. They shared a love of
dancing, as well as a passion for bowls, and they had a very active
Iife together.
Nancy sadly died in 2015 after what Ivan described as, thirty-eight
years of "endless happiness and contentment".
Ivan continued to support this church, even after his health reached
a point where he was physically unable to come to services; and he
was very appreciative of all the worship material that we were able
to provide throughout the pandemic, as he felt that it kept him
connected to the fellowship here.
Ivan was a gentle-man; he was a quiet and unassuming man, but
he was also a man who was caring and loving, and had a good
sense of humour.
He lived a full and interesting Iife surrounded by his loved ones and
friends. Now, as we give thanks for his life, we also give thanks for
the love of God that was an enduring presence throughout all the
high points and Iow points in Ivan's life.
Ivan was an encourager, and he will be remembered
fondly by each one of us who had the pleasure of
knowing him.
Prepared from Martyn’s eulogy given at Ivan's funeral