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experiences and inspiration in new ways to find new meaning and
value? The children are showing us that nothing is wasted and
everything has value when mixed with energy and imagination.
If we mix energy and imagination with faith, this verse makes total
“We know that all things work together for good for those who
love God, for those who are called according to His
purpose.” [Romans 8: 28]
Perhaps you have wasted* talents that could be put to new use.
(*I don’t think they are ‘wasted’ but I use the language to illustrate
the point.) Innovation is surely a ‘new’ use for existing ingredients.
It is the bottle-tops that become the new bricks to build with;
wasted-plastic that becomes a new bench for the park. What use
could one’s ‘wasted youth’ be put to? What value could be found
in and for loss? For example, the lady who is passionate about
collecting our medical waste – the blister packs for pills – does so
because it raises funds for the Marie Curie Charity as well as
keeping the waste out of landfills. She does this also because her
husband died of cancer and they were cared for by The Marie
Curie Charity. I would not say everything is valuable – her loss is
something we all would have spared her - but I would say every
experience can be put to good use… as the children
teach us.
Experience learned from is never wasted.
Lex McKee
Our fund-raising
Murder Mystery
production has been rescheduled for
Saturday 8th October.
Please arrive in good time so everyone can be
seated by 7 pm at the latest.
If you have already paid for a ticket, you will be
issued with a new one ASAP.
Please contact me as there may be a few extra
tickets available for sale. Many thanks.
Ruth - 422785