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       The Septem  ber edition of the Daily Reading leaflets that we are producing to both
       encourage and guide people in reading the Bible is now available. As Martyn said
       previously, the aim of these leaflets is to be of help and not a hindrance.

       Please do not take these leaflets as a directive that must be followed. Reading the Bible
       should be a pleasure and not a chore, so if these leaflets become a burden to you in any
       way, please feel free to dispense with them and approach the Bible in whatever way suits
       you best.



       There has been some
       uncertainty about whether we
       will be holding a Christmas
       Bazaar this year, but it would be a good boost for both
       our profile and our finances if we could manage to put
       something together.

       Therefore, could anyone who would be interested in
       helping with a Christmas Bazaar or similar event, or who
       has ideas, please come along to a meeting to discuss the
       possibilities of doing so.

               Friday, 9 September at 6 pm at the Church


                     WHAT IS THIS . . AND WHERE WILL YOU FIND IT?
                     More importantly would you know what to do with it?
                     This device can and will save a life.  Easy to use.
                     This coming Spring we will be holding a training evening to
                     demonstrate just what it can do. The 30+ units around town
                     have an impressive track record of life saving.
                     More details in the New Year.

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