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A Harvest of Water
Dear Friends,
At the time of writing we have a drought in the south of
England and some hose pipe bans. Sad as it is to see our
gardens die, we do not usually expect that, when we turn on
our taps, no water comes out. We, in this country, are
blessed to have had adequate rainfall, some might say too
much, over the years.
Think what it would be like if we had to walk miles every day
to collect dirty and often infected water and bring it back for
our family, even babies and children, to drink. What must it
be like to see children die because of infected water. That is
why this year at Wareham URC our Harvest gifts of produce,
tins and jars will be sold to support the charity Wateraid.
Here is some information from the Wateraid website: WAREHAM UNITED REFORMED CHURCH
‘We're an international not-for-profit organisation, determined
to make clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene normal
for everyone, everywhere, within a generation. Since 1981,
we've directly reached 28 million people with clean water, 28
million with decent toilets, and 26 million with good hygiene'.
So bring your gifts at Harvest and give generously to change
lives for the better.
Every blessing - Janet
4 Reverend Martyn Neads (Communion)
11 Mary Chipping
18 Janet Jennings (Harvest Festival)
25 Elizabeth Haynes