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Our Vision
† To Worship God, Father Son and Holy Spirit
† To make God’s love known to all people
† To show God’s love by the way we lead our lives
Minister: Link / Outlook
Revd Martyn Neads September 2022
Tel. 01929 475694
Mobile 07384 560402 4. Minister’s Letter
5. Any Questions Returns!
Mission Enabler: 6. Exploring Art Together
Lex McKee Church Administrator 7. Wareham Community Fridge
8. A Harvest of Water / Preachers
Swanage 9. Wareham Diary
Administrator: 10. Wareham Folk Harvest
Sue Wilson 11. Restarting ‘Open the Book’ 12. Wareham Duty Elder Rota
01929 421737 13. Daily Readings
Treasurer: Christmas Arrangements Mtg.
Book-keeper 14. Swanage Rotas 15. Swanage Diary
16. Shoeboxes / Hall Bookings
Hall Lettings: Sue Wilson 17. Lessons from the Art of Junk
Wareham 18. Murder Mystery
Secretary 19. Ivan Ernest Lock
Janet Jennings 21. Jumble Sale
01929 555108 22. Graham Neads/Favourite Hymn
Hall Lettings: 23. First Aid Course
Felicity Roberts 01929 792678 24. Purbeck Arts Club Choir
Access to the church: Jamboree Fundraising
Sheila Holmes 01929 552806 Korean Evening Juliette and
Editor 25. Fundraising
Jim Farrer - 07968 824129 25. Harvest Festival Coffee@112
26. Food Bank
Sourced from Freely Christian Clip Art
Canstock Clip Art Library or Church Family