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Exploring Art Together
We said, “Come and Explore Art
Together,” and we certainly did – all
ages, all abilities! More than this, it was
fun, and even though it wasn’t an Art
Class or Club, masterpieces were
made. From pinching pots made of
clay to swashing ink washes; from
rolling marbles in paint to printing
dragons; from sewing to stars; from
collage to calligraphy; from Monet-like painting with cotton-buds to
creating the likeness of stained-glass; and from colouring with paint
pens to the towering architecture of junk-modelling… such was the
height and depth, width and breadth of our adventures.
The activities have been so enthusiastically participated in that… …
yes, we’ve decided to repeat the practice in forthcoming school
holidays. So, look forward to familiar favourites and new activities
too like Autumn Mandalas and Sundown Lanterns.
Why would we call it a ‘success’? We’ve had families from the
community come into the church and take part together in creating
art. Adults have had the chance to chat as well as create, and the
children have been inspired by one another, and, more importantly,
learned to work collaboratively. It was so heart-warming to see
church members and friends returned to using our lovely venue in
such a relaxed and joyful atmosphere. This is church. Church is
families. Church is community. Church is happening. Church is
None of this could be conceived of or executed without the help of
the team. Thank you church!
Sue Wilson will be the church administrator after 31st August. She
will take over the administrator email account so any emails to that
address will go to her'.
Paul can be contacted on