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P. 5

he tells us this himself, for, having instructed his followers to love
       one another, he then says,

       By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love
       one another.

       We are to love one another. Jesus was speaking to his disciples,
       and the apostles were writing to the believers in the early church as
       it grew around the known world. We, who profess to follow Jesus,
       are to love one another in the same way that our Lord and Master
       loves us. We are not meant to argue, we are not meant to separate
       into cliques or factions, we are not meant to break the bond of
       peace that is between us. But we are meant to be an example to
       other people of how the love of God reaches into our hearts and
       changes us.

       For it is the mark of a Christian, the mark of a Christ-like life, to
       love; and our love should not be secret or hidden. Instead, it should
       be demonstrated in the way we live our lives daily, as we seek to
       love not just our friends and family, not just those who we meet in
       church, but all people, considering each one of them as our
       neighbour, including those whom we might think of as enemies.

       May we seek to love one another just as Christ Jesus loves us, and
       may we also strive to love our neighbour.

       In His name,

                              Any Questions Returns!

                             Major General (rtd) Tim Cross C.B.E.
                                        asks the question:

                                    Tuesday 27  September
                                  All Saints Church, Swanage
                                      Doors open at 6.30 pm
                                   and presentation from 7 pm

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