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Prayer Walk 1 covered South Swanage early in lockdown.

         Prayer Walk 2 was in central Swanage around the time of the
                              anniversary of  VE Day.
          Prayer Walk 3  in North Swanage as we neared the lifting of
                               lockdown restrictions.

         I have been touched by the number of people who have told me

        that they found these booklets helpful during a time of isolation,
         fear and uncertainty, and they were delighted by the pictures of
                                our beautiful town.

              The Prayer Booklets were given free with the love of
           Swanage United Reformed Church and are available on the

            We hope you enjoy ‘In the Footsteps of the Priest’, which costs
                    just £3. The full purchase price will be shared
                      between the church and Routes to Routes.
           (Based on Christian principles they seek to help all homeless and
              vulnerably housed people in Poole regardless of their faith)

             Printed and Published by Swanage United Reformed Church
                    112 High Street, Swanage, Dorset, BH19 2NY

                                                              Printed on Recycled paper
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