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The chapel on St Aldhelm’s Head was built in the 12  century
       on the remains of  earlier earthworks which could be an early
       Christian monastic enclosure. Tradition tells that St Aldhelm

       landed here before becoming Bishop of  Sherborne in the early
       8  century. A legend relates the story of  a newly married
       couple who drowned off  the headland in the 12  century’ The
       grieving father of  the bride built the chapel in their memory

       with a beacon on the roof  to warn other seafarers of  the
       dangerous rocks.

       The chapel’s importance waned in the Middle Ages with a

       declining population and it became derelict until the first
       Lord Eldon began restoration in the 19  cent. The first
       service for centuries was held in 1874 and occasional services
       are held today.

                                                   The beautiful, peaceful
                                                   interior of  the chapel
                                                   must have been familiar

                                                   to our priest, but the
                                                   Norman doorway was
                                                   locked because of

                                                   Covid-19 when we
                                                   visited this autumn.

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