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singing of this hymn a blessing to Madge and myself. We were
sent to Zimbabwe by our Maidstone church in 1993. We were to
live and work with Imon, a Zimbabwean Pastor and his family, for a
month. Among the many things we did Madge and I visited
hospitals and schools. I preached at every church I visited. This
would be during the week and on Sunday.
So, here we were waiting at the airport for our flight back to the UK.
As we waited a large group of Zimbabwean women suddenly
appeared and started singing “God be with you till we meet again.”
It was a very happy and emotional moment.
Graham Neads
Saturday 8th October
Our Fund Raising event this month is the MURDER MYSTERY
evening which Ruth has organised. This has previously been
postponed because of the pandemic so it’s good to see this
If you are unable to come, or this is not your ‘scene’, Gill and
Shirley are always pleased to receive Raffle Prizes!
Saturday 22 October, 3 - 5 pm. Paul is
telling us about his wonderful experience
at the Raptor Centre. There is no charge
for this so put the date in your diary for a
fascinating afternoon – We will enjoy tea
and Cake, (and I expect a small Raffle!).
The Fun Raisers
Kath Savage Cleaning Weekly or two-weekly for 2/3
hours depending on your
(Chris Pullen’s daughter-in-law) requirements. Days and times
Reliable Top quality cleaning negotiable - reasonable rates
Contact Kath on 07762 282977
(Already cleaning for some of the or Chris on 01929 423505
lovely people at Church)
Are you ready to pray?