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P. 28
Candidate Interview Questions - 2019
1. What characteristics do you personally Rotary’s membership trend is surely a challenge.
have that would make you an effective Membership development therefore needs to be
leader of volunteers and Chairman of the the topmost priority and there should be a strategy
Board for Rotary International? for this.
• Membership being lifeline of Rotary, a
Leading volunteers perhaps comes naturally to major brain-storming is needed to find
me. My inter-personal skills with people make effective solutions suited to different areas
me relate very easily to them. of the world. Regional ethos and culture
have to be given importance to find
I am innovative, lead by example,
am hard working and have strong localized solutions, as one size does
communication skills, all of which not fit all.
help me to easily motivate people. • Greater accountability and
evaluation of performance of
I have developed national level
programs like Shelter Kit, Heart Regional Coordinators is needed
surgeries, T-E-A-C-H program • Emphasis should be on
involving up to 200 PDGs in a team. making Clubs strong, so as to attract
Thousands of Clubs participated and retain members
from South Asia. • Using technology for greater
I have led hundreds of Rotary leaders member engagement is essential
to organize many large events, with upto 6000 • Focus on Rotaractors and female members
delegates from across the world. should be the long term strategy for
I should be an effective chairman of the Board of membership growth.
Rotary International as Alternative membership models to consider could
I am flexible and welcome bright ideas. be:
I believe in consensus and inclusive leadership • Seamless membership transition from
Rotaract to Rotary
A proponent of strategic planning, I like to work
with a vision of the future. • Reciprocal Membership with similar
organizations like Round Table etc
Though innovative, I believe in continuity
• Global Membership
My experience of being on boards of International
Organisations will also help. • Family Membership.
2. Rotary’s membership has remained 3. How does your vision for Rotary integrate
constant for decades and is falling in some with our strategic plan and what specific
areas. Do you see that as a problem? If so, elements of the plan would you stress and
what courses of action would you propose why?
to address this? Are there any alternative
membership models that you think we My vision for Rotary is interwoven with the strategic
should consider? plan of Rotary International. My vision for Rotary is:
26 Rotary District 3201 - Presidents & Secretaries Manual 2021