Page 31 - Rotary 3201_PETS_manual_2021
P. 31

District PRIORITY - 2021 -22

                                                                              OUR LOVELY PLANET
                                                                                         CONSiSTS OF

                                                                             71% WATER AND
                                                                                    29% EARTH




                                                   EARTH              WATER               PEOPLE

             All Forms of life on Earth depends on water. Of the total water - 96% is made up of ocean
             and saline only the remaining 4% supports all life on earth, namely lakes, rivers, streams and
             the rest.
             As providence that we have this blessing that supports all sustenance and life. All forms of
             life depend on food and water.

             Can we alter that? Not really. But how best to use it for the smallest organism to humans is
             surely on our hands.

             Hence the concept of Earth and Water. What we intend to do maybe a micro spec in the
             expanse of our planet - but it’s bound to create the ripple across to all - Let us ‘TRANSFORM’.

                 Rotary District 3201 - Presidents & Secretaries Manual  2021                                29
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