Page 19 - Rotary 3201 - GML August 2021
P. 19

Rotary International President

        Rtn. Shekhar Mehta’s Initiatives

        Each One, Bring One                               we need to ensure equity, meaning that we will need to be
                                                          fair, we will respect equality and sameness, and that we will
        Each time you attend a Rotary event or meeting,   value diversity and inclusion.
        bring a family member  or someone  interested
        in Rotary. This initiative is aimed at increasing   Recognition
        awareness of Rotary and growing membership.
                                                          Recognizing efforts of Rotarians in an effective way keeps
        Empowering Girls                                  them motivated. We do a great job in recognizing donations
                                                          to  The  Rotary  Foundation.  With this in mind,  we  have
        Girls and women  have  the  right to  be  safe,   introduced  The  Membership  Society  for  New Member
        educated,  and healthy.  Learn how you  can       Sponsors  for  recognizing  the  efforts  of  Rotarians  to  excel
        support and empower girls with a toolkit that was   in membership growth. This virtual platform will showcase
        launched 1 July.
                                                          to audiences worldwide the names of Rotarians who have
        Presidential conferences                          brought in more than 25 members into Rotary.
        You can attend a  presidential  conference. The
        2021-22  presidential  conference  series  will
        highlight  the humanitarian  work that clubs  and
        districts pioneer locally and support globally.

        Rotary Days of Service
        In our  part of  the  world where  the  number
        of Rotary service projects are highest  in the
        world.  The  needs  are  many  and  Rotarians  find
        opportunities to fulfill these needs. When these
        are showcased to the public, more often than not
        people are attracted by our service enquire about
        how to join Rotary because they too want to be
        People of Action and find solution to the needs of
        the community.
        Membership’s a gift

        To be invited to join Rotary is a fabulous Gift and
        is usually  the most valuable life-changing  gift.
        Membership to Rotary offers myriad opportunities
        -  to make friends, opportunities of leadership,
        opportunities  of  service,  and opportunities  of
        giving.  It inculcates  the habit of Service to the
        society  and the needy.
        Diversity, equity, & inclusion

        Diversity is one of the core values of Rotary. In
        fact, if we look at the kaleidoscope of membership
        in Rotary, we find people of different color, belief,
        religion, sexual orientation, etc. As Rotarians we   Received RI President Sekar Mehta at Coimbatore on his way to
        have embraced this diversity. To attract members,   Erode.

        OUR LOVELY PLANET     AUGUST 2021                                                                     19
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