Page 14 - Rotary 3201 - GML August 2021
P. 14

‘ABHIVRDDHI 2021’                                                                                Aug
        Dist. Membership Seminar

        Growth is essential  for the development  of any  for the growth of any business  organization, new
        organization and change is the only constant for growth.  members are the raw material for Rotary to grow as with
        This was highlighted  by DG  Rtn.Rajasekhar and       more hands many more big and meaningful projects can
                                                              be achieved. He emphasized on RI President’s dream
        emphasized that to improve the global  strength of    of achieving the target of 1.3 million Rotarians by 30th
        Rotarians from 1.2  million  which  has been  stagnating   June 2022 by following his mantra of Each One Bring
        for the last 2 decades, Rotarians and Rotary Clubs have   One . Retention being the important tool for growth and
        to  take  effective  steps.  Dist.  Trainer  PDG  Rtn.  Pathy   in spite of bringing in new members every year ,we lose
        pointed out that only with new and fresh ideas brought  the same number or more by the end of the year – he
        by new and younger members can Rotary grow.           explained that a new member should be treated like a
        Dist. Chair for  Membership Rtn. Thiagarajan  through   new born baby and has to be nurtured till he or she is
                                                              comfortable in Rotary. More attention should be given
        his in-depth presentation on  the  membership  of  the   to Rotaractors who are potential future Rotarians and
        district gave inputs on the areas , where and how the   encourage Lady members into Rotary .
        membership could be increased and achieve the district
        goal of DG Rtn. Rajasekhar of 7000 members ,  7 new   Story  tellers – he  also said that we  have  to  move  on
        clubs  and  induct  younger members thereby bringing   from our traditional thinking and let the society know
        the average age below 40.                             about all the good work we are doing . In current times
                                                              a strong PR is needed for attracting quality members to
        August being the Membership Month in Rotary and as  Rotary. To evolve and adapt is extremely necessary so
        rewards  and recognition not only appreciate  but  also  the formation of E Clubs , Satellite Clubs and Corporate
        motivate, DG Rtn. Rajasekar recognized with Certificates  Clubs will not only help in bringing members but also
        of Appreciation the 11 clubs who had inducted 5 or more  help in bringing CSR funds for our projects.
        members into their clubs since July’21.  As RI President   Only Rotarians  can  make impossible  things  possible
        Rtn. Sekar Mehta has said that not only for outstanding   and  then by properly highlighting  them only  can  we
        projects but also for bringing  new members to our    attract prospective  members to Rotary  was the mantra
        fold Rotarians must and will be recognized by Rotary  of PDG Rtn. Kuriachan K A .
        International with the highest award being recognized
        on a Global Virtual Hall of Fame for  introducing 25 or   Membership Asst.Regional Coordinator for Mebership
                                                              Zone V PDG Rtn. Shashi Kumar shared very valuable
        more new members.                                     inputs on how to attain healthy membership growth.
        DG  Rtn.  Rajasekhar  announced  attractive  incentives   To understand  the essence of Growth in other
        for Clubs : A Bronze Plaque for adding 10 members,    organizations  Past  India  Chair  of JCI- Jaycee
        Silver plated Plaque for adding 15 members and a Gold   Subramaniam, Past India Chair of Round Table- Gurdeep
        plated Plaque for adding 25 members.                  Singh  Anand  ,  Dr. Nithyanad from the Coimbatore
        DGE Rtn. Rajmohan Nair pointed out that just quantity   Management Association along with  PDG Rtn. Kamlesh
        was not enough but quality is also very important for   Raheja with PDG Rtn. Sunil Zachairah as moderator  an
        the healthy growth, development  and  future of the   excellent Panel discussion was conducted to understand
                                                              the success story of each of them.
        organization. The  need  of  youth and diversity  was
        highlighted by  DGN Rtn. Vijaykumar , citing a unique  Congrats to  Chair Rtn. KK Chugh and Team  Metropolis
        example of starting a Rotary Club in gated communities  for organizing an excellent seminar.
        , as currently with more gated communities being
        developed with diversity and youth being a natural part
        of them.

        Chief Guest PRID and RI Membership Chair Rtn. Kamal
        Sanghivi in his very impressive address on membership
        development asked the important question WHY ? He
        said that with adding more new members it brings more
        ideas, more fellowship , more joy and finally do more
        projects. He then gave a unique dimension to Rotary  -
        Rotary is a MEMBERSHIP ORGANISATION and Service
        was the end product. Like more raw material is essential
        14                                                              OUR LOVELY PLANET     AUGUST 2021
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