Page 3 - Rotary 3201 - GML August 2021
P. 3

District Governor Message

                                                     Rtn. Rajasekhar Srinivasan

                    District Governor

        My Dear Rotarians,                                    Many clubs  have inducted a good number  of new
                                                              members into our rotary fold.  Now we need to see that
        Warm Rotary Greetings !
                                                              not only are these new members fully engaged but we
        We have completed two months of the current Rotary  also need to ensure retention of our older members.
        year and they have been very busy months in spite of the   Many clubs have also started new Rotaract and Interact
        COVID Pandemic which has been going on. Myself and
        Shanthi started the year auspiciously by participating   clubs. Rotary Community Corps have been started by
        in as many as Seven projects on the First of July 2021   many  clubs  and have  already  started  their  volunteer
        -  Inauguration of Blood Donation camp (Shanthi       work in full swing. At this are I have no doubt that our
        donated blood), Handing over Oxygen Concentrators in   goals set as the “Seven Wonders of Rotary” would be
        3 Primary Health Centers and 3 Tree planting Projects.  easily achieved.
        We started the Governor's Official Visits at the holy city   One of the important  developments of the last  year
        of Guruvayur with the blessings of Lord Guruvayapan to   has been the number of  COVID related projects that
        Rotary Guruvayur Heritage.                            our District has been able to do with the help of Global
        During the  month  of  August  two  important District   Grants. Hence it is very important that we contribute
                                                              to the Annual program Fund of the Rotary Foundation
        Seminars  – Grants Management Seminar  & District
        Membership Seminar were conducted virtually  with     which makes such grants possible. This year we have set
        record attendance.                                    an ambitious target of One Million Dollars to the Annual
                                                              program Fund.  If each Rotarian of the District celebrates
        All the clubs have been very active and have initiated   his or her Birthday or Wedding day or Special occasions
        very meaningful and impactful projects. It has been a   with a small  contribution to the Rotary Foundation it
        very gratifying and humbling experience for me to be   would a nice way of celebrating the good work done by
        participating in so many projects being  implemented   our Foundation.
        by clubs  all  across  the  district. Donation of  Medical
        Equipment  to Hospitals,  Handing  over  of completed  Before I conclude let me request you all to always follow
        houses to the under privileged, Donation of Free Artificial  the COVID safety protocols whenever you attend club
        Limbs, Inauguration of Mother’s Milk Bank, Recognition  meetings or participate in any Club projects.
        of the services rendered by the COVID Warriors – the   Friends, Let us together “Serve to Change lives”
        Medical Faternity, Donation of Agricultural implements
        to small farmers and Sponsorship of Vocational Training  Sincerely,
        for under privileged students  are a few of the Service
        Projects that I had the good fortune of participating or   Yours in Rotary,

        I am very glad to see that most clubs have planned or   Rtn. Rajasekhar Srinivasan,
        initiated projects towards our  District Priorities – Our   District Governor  2021-22
        Lovely Planet.                                        R I District 3201

        OUR LOVELY PLANET     AUGUST 2021                                                                     03
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