Page 8 - Rotary 3201 - GML August 2021
P. 8


        PPE Kits to TH, Angamaly and 4500 kgs                 Organic farming training class and Seed
        Vegetables @ Pallamthuruth                            distribution and Smart phone distribution

        GRANTS MANAGEMENT SEMINAR                                                                        Aug

        (GMS)                                                                                             01

        The  Grants  Management  Seminar is  very  important  How to apply for a Grant was ably explained by Rtn.
        nowadays  as many  clubs  want to  go for  a Global  Dr. Suresh Kumar. The importance of reporting and
        Grant so that they can do big and meaningful  projects  Stewardship were highlighted by Rtn. Roy John and Rtn.
        and through this seminar they  can get the  necessary  AVM Vijauakumar.  Felicitations were offered by ARRFC
        information about how a Global Grant works.           PDG Rtn. Madhav Chandran, DGN Rtn. Rajmohan Nair
                                                              and DGE Rtn. Vijaykumar.
        This was highlighted by DG Rtn. Rajasekhar.     The Dist.
        GMS was held virtually on 1st of August ’21 with the
        best of best to dissipate the necessary information.  The
        extremely experienced DRFCC Rtn. Jayasankar along
        with  Dist  Trainer  PDG  Rtn.  Pathy  explained  in  detail
        the workings of a  Global  Grant.Chief Guest Rotary
        Foundation Trustee  PDG Gulam Vahanvaty  gave  an
        excellent global view of projects and the advantages of

        a Global Grant.

        08                                                              OUR LOVELY PLANET     AUGUST 2021
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