Page 5 - The 2021 Spring & Summer Club Braman Magazine
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Great People,
Great Cars, &
Great Times Ahead
WALKING THROUGH THE HALLS of our Braman On the automotive front, you’ll find a review of the all-
Motorcars facilities, I am captivated by the amount of new BMW 4 Series Convertible, Paddy Hopkirk Edition
interesting people and beautiful automobiles I encounter MINI Cooper S, and big bad performance SUVs in the
on a daily basis. The 2021 Spring/Summer edition of Club form of the Rolls-Royce Cullinan Black Badge, Porsche
Braman Magazine is a celebration of ten remarkable club Cayenne Coupe, and Alpina XB7.
members and an automotive enthusiast’s wishlist of new
vehicles offered by the finest automobile manufacturers in On the more luxurious side, feast on the spectacular
the world; Bentley, BMW, MINI, Porsche and Rolls-Royce. Bentley Continental GT Mulliner Coupe and Convertible.
Finally, peg the performance dial with the Porsche
On the cover is Club Braman member Thom Stewart Taycan, 911 Turbo S, and BMW’s new power partners--
sitting inside the newest hotel in South Florida; the the 2021 M3 sedan and M4 Coupe. Better yet, come drive
magnificent award-winning The Ben. It’s a Marriott them for yourself after the read! We’re even providing a
Autograph Collection luxury boutique hotel located on sneak peek at BMW’s i4 and iX electric vehicles.
the former footprint of West Palm Beach’s City Hall, and
inspired by Fred and Byrd Spillman Dewey’s iconic 1892 Yes, we have been through a lot this past year – that is a
Victorian home dubbed “Ben Trovato.” fact. But the inspiration that our Club Braman members
provide, both here in print or simply browsing the
Joining Thom are a plethora of interesting profiles, showrooms of the Braman complex remains phenomenal.
including Irina Rothenberg’s eco-conscience OZO2 dry Combine that with the innovations of our brand
cleaners, Eddie and Ozzie of Table 26’s incredible story of partners to shower us with new and better products and
perseverance, Jolie DeMarco’s mystical Flora Aura, and an upcoming return to Club Braman events serves as
the dynamic transportation partnership of John Critchett assurance that it’s all going to be great once again.
and Paget Kirkland. Make sure to also check Dr. Rasmi
Akel’s collection of BMWs; the inspiring work of singer/ Thank you for your continued support of Braman Motorcars.
song-writer Shenita Hunt; incredible entrepreneurialism
of Ismael Alvarez, and the powerful real-life tale of
Dr. Jorge Valdes.
Yes, we have been through a lot
this past year – that is a fact. But
the inspiration that our Club
Braman members provide, both
here in print or simply browsing
Stephen Grossman the showrooms of the Braman
General Manager | Braman Motorcars
complex remains phenomenal. 5