Page 52 - The 2021 Spring & Summer Club Braman Magazine
P. 52
DR. JORGE VALDES ALWAYS KNEW WHAT HE WANTED. At 17, he became the youngest employee at a Federal Reserve
Shortly after his parents left behind a wealthy life in Cuba Bank branch. By 20, he’d achieved his dream well ahead
for the United States, Jorge’s cousin visited the family in of schedule, though not in the way he’d expected--finding
a candy apple muscle car, representing everything the 10 himself working for a group of Colombian businessmen.
year-old Jorge believed it meant to make it in America. From Jorge was focused solely on making money by expanding
that day, he mapped out a plan: graduate high school, then their financial web, and managing the various multinational
college; find work as a CPA in order to attend law school… businesses under their umbrella. Before long however, he’d
and become a millionaire by the age of 30. crossed a line he never imagined he would, becoming the US
head of operations for what the federal government would
eventually call the Medellin Cartel at the age of 21.