Page 53 - The 2021 Spring & Summer Club Braman Magazine
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However, what sounds like the makings of He pursued his PhD at Loyola University in
a Hollywood blockbuster turned out to be Biblical Studies and founded a cleaning franchise
anything but. that grew into a multimillion-dollar business.
Wishing to avoid the familiar trappings of wealth,
During the mid 1970s the legendary violence that Jorge retired and moved with his third wife and
would become a calling card of the cocaine trade two young children to Cozumel, Mexico to raise
was still a decade away. The first and only focus them away from privilege.
was on money, so Jorge convinced himself he could
enjoy all the associated power and wealth without Returning years later, Jorge felt more comfortable
the risk or guilt. Being arrested and tortured enjoying the finer things once again. It was then
in Panama, and sentenced to a 15-year prison he met Braman Motorcars’ General Manager
sentence back in the United States proved that was Steve Grossman, Sales Manager DeVaughn
nothing but another fantasy. Pickens, and Client Adviser David Banner, to
became a full-fledged Club Braman member. Over
After serving five years, Jorge returned to a the years, Jorge has purchased between 20-25
changed world. Guns were everywhere, and the BMWs, Bentleys, and Rolls-Royces from Braman
violence throughout South Florida during the ‘80s Motorcars—the latter he describes as the most
was at a crescendo. What finally convinced him to amazing vehicle in the world.
walk away from the life however, was stumbling
upon his crying young daughter in the midst of At the same time Jorge pursued a new mission--
a lavish party. While he had everything, neither concentrated on positively impacting the lives of
he, nor his family, were happy. Unfortunately, the others through speaking, publishing, and donating
cartel didn’t offer your typical retirement plan, so thousands of books to incarcerated men, women,
Jorge attempted to break away expecting to have and children, as well as helping to build chapels
only months to live before he was eliminated. on prison grounds. He has advised members of
congress and presented as a keynote speaker at
It was then his second arrest came—yet this time multiple national and international conferences.
Jorge didn’t fight it, instead surrendering all of his Jorge even donates all of his royalties and speaking
assets to the US government. fees, as he is adamant that he does not wish to
make money on the drama of his past—only to
What his younger self would have considered share a message of hope and redemption. He is
the ultimate failure instead now represented an perhaps most proud of his children however,
opportunity to Jorge. He’d achieved his wildest who have grown up to become lawyers, realtors,
dreams, yet was empty inside. He decided to start filmmakers, educators, and tech entrepreneurs.
over with nothing, and this time, strike the elusive While not the typical Hollywood tale, Jorge has at
balance between success and personal fulfillment. last found his happy ending.
To learn more about Jorge and revel in the details of his
life’s story and current work, visit 53