Page 59 - The 2021 Spring & Summer Club Braman Magazine
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Ismael has jumped with both feet into the digital the answer; instead utilizing YouTube and the millions
content creation age—producing cooking shows, of mobile screens streaming the platform’s hosted
hosting musical acts, and filming reality TV-style home videos on a daily basis.
tours of his listings. The Partnership Realty flagship
office on Forest Hill Boulevard boasts not one, but two Ismael’s garage further reinforces his obvious predilection
full-fledged television studios, as well as a full-time for trend setting. His stunning, white W-12 Bentley
show host and gourmet chef. Continental GT is featured in several of his videos, as well
as his new cinnamon red BMW M8 convertible. Both are
Most importantly, nearly all of the on-air talent are impressive, eye-catching, and loaded with cutting-edge
his realtors. technology—much like the luxurious listings Ismael
regularly shares with his subscribers.
The prioritization of entertainment over stale listing facts
like total square footage or garage space has resulted in The focus on providing informational and entertaining
nearly 200,000 regular viewers from across the world. fare to both current and non-clients alike is one
While some have reached out and become buyers directly Partnership Realty and Braman Motorcars share.
as a result of Ismael’s various series, he insists that the Providing an avenue for pleasant escape has perhaps
overarching motivation is to simply provide people with never been more important—and Ismael has no plans
something compelling and enjoyable. to curtail his production even as the world eventually
returns to some semblance of normalcy.
Although Ismael was already moving in a digital
direction prior to the pandemic, society’s sudden In Ismael’s opinion however, buying and selling real
need for engrossing content that could be consumed estate has forever changed. If his success under the
from the safety of their homes kicked his plans into most dire of conditions is any indication, chances are
overdrive. In a particularly enlightened decision, he he’s right.
also realized that traditional television shows weren’t 59