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During his career, Faxon had   Taking care to avoid saying which   the vehicle to the body shop.
                           the opportunity to attend the   was more exciting, winning at
                           country’s most popular racing   the highest levels of his sport or   This level of care resonates with
                           events, including being down in   piloting the M5 flat-out down   Faxon, as he walked away from
                           the pits at the Indianapolis 500   the back straight at PBIR, Faxon   competitive golfing two years
                           with the Penske racing team one   readily concedes that race car   ago, adjusting his career to spend
                           year. He fondly remembers in   drivers are true athletes. In   more time at home with his
                           the 80s, with the International   regards to his own experience   youngest daughter. Now his focus
                           Race of Champions (IROC) series   with Rhemrev, Faxon recalls, “You   is spread between his various
                           in full swing, he and a few other   really have to pay attention when   charitable efforts, mentoring
                           PGA professionals having the   you’re driving at 140 mph.”  current touring pros (most
                           chance to meet several drivers                            famously with Rory McIlroy),
                           and swap some of the tricks of   It isn’t just the opportunity to   producing his Just the Fax radio
                           their chosen trades.         glean insights from a fellow   show—which airs on Mondays
                                                        professional that Faxon      from 4:00pm-5:00pm EST on
                           Even without knowing Faxon’s   appreciates about the Club   SiriusXM’s PGA Tour Radio
                           history, a peek into his garage   Braman experience. Pleased with   channel—and working as an on-
                           reveals his affection for    the masterful level of service   air analyst for Fox Sports.
                           automobiles. Always a BMW    provided to Braman customers,
                           (and golf) fan, he purchased his   he and Dory knew just where to   Faxon says he’s loved the
                           first 528e from none other than   turn when the time came to find   transition from the fairway to the
                           the legendary Payne Stewart.   Charlotte’s first car.     booth. Less travel means more
                           He would go on to own a 335i                              time at home with Charlotte. For
                           xDrive (which he loved for Rhode   Any uncertainty in their choice   a man most well-known for his
                           Island winters), the 7 Series he   was erased when Charlotte found   short game, it’s clear he is more
                           was driving when he and his wife   herself the unfortunate victim of   than happy to settle down and
                           Dory met, a 550i GT, and a 550i   an accident on her way to school   focus on the long one.
                           M-Sport.                     one morning. Only 20 minutes
                                                        after the incident occurred,
                           Possibly his favorite though, is his   Braman’s Service Director Chris   I still make sure to

                           current M5—one of only 50 Pure   Huffman was personally on the    make her breakfast
                           Metal Silver editions.       scene, ensuring Charlotte was     every morning,
                                                        unharmed and helping to deliver   glows Faxon.

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