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Club Braman Wine & Paint Night
TENURED CLUB BRAMAN MEMBERS EXALTED in The event’s triumphant return took place at the
the highly-anticipated return of Wine and Paint Armory Art Center in West Palm Beach. The art
Night this past summer. Once a regular fixture on deco-inspired building is itself an important
the events calendar, one of Club Braman’s most historical landmark, designated within the
popular Signature Events underwent a two year National Register of Historic Places two decades
hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, ago. True to its name, it originally served as an
like a true work of art, the passage of time only armory in World War II, and today plays host to
contributed to Wine and Paint Night’s value. many art classes and exhibitions. The Armory
Art Center proved the perfect establishment by
The event provides a simple pleasure—its title providing a creative atmosphere and the capacity
and promise are redundant. Indeed, there is to comfortably welcome over 90 invitees—more
wine; and indeed, there is paint. What isn’t than any prior Wine and Paint Night ever!
immediately obvious however, is the intoxicating
combination of inimitable artistic instruction
and camaraderie among participants—likely
aided by the wine.
To learn more about upcoming Wine and Paint Nights—and all Club Braman Signature Events—visit
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