Page 25 - Club Braman Magazine_Fall-Winter.22
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Longtime snowbirds hailing from coordinate corporate retreats and
New Jersey, Lexye and her late family vacations alike. Far more
husband made the permanent move than a concierge, Lexye commanded
to South Florida on Valentine’s Day, all aspects—everything but the air
in 2002. A red-blooded Italian, he’d her clients would breathe, as she
insisted on a change of scenery and loved to say.
climate more reminiscent of the old
country. Though initially reluctant, Relying upon the experience
once the move was completed, Lexye gained through their vast empire
spent every subsequent day thanking of travel, hospitality, and event
him for bringing them to paradise. planning businesses, Lexye and
her husband quickly became the
While the temperate weather was one-call solution for destination
expected, the burgeoning business weddings, honeymoons,
landscape of early aughts Palm fundraisers, and corporate events
Beach was a pleasant surprise. in Palm Beach—and beyond.
Movers, shakers, and C-level When it came to their clients, there
executives were flocking to the were no geographical borders, no
island and, once removed from their requests too ambitious, and no
stuffy skyscraper suites, making doubts that the services rendered
deals over morning mojitos. These would exceed expectations. The
titans of industry however were results were wildly successful;
merely tourists—while Lexye was their company, Professional Touch
now a local expert with a growing International Travel, recently
rolodex; one she began using to celebrated its 40th anniversary. 25
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