Page 14 - 2021-Fall-Winter Magazine_Club-Braman
P. 14


                       THERE ARE A NOT INSIGNIFICANT AMOUNT of   Owners won’t be having dinner at The Breakers—
                     our fellow West Palm Beach citizens who gaze   they’ll be pulling weekend all-nighters that end
                     with disdain upon the novel influx of abstract   with #SundayFunday brunch on Clematis.
                     murals and intricate graffiti gracing our
                     downtown cityscape. These same cosmopolites   Where tight alleyways and narrow parking spots
                     scoff at the torn denim skinny jeans and sculpted   outnumber corner gas stations, the SE Electric
                     athleisure spandex adorning the bodies of those   reigns supreme. In its element, the motor’s 110 miles
                     born after the Berlin Wall collapse. They likely   of range could potentially serve owners for weeks
                     see no point in a purely electric vehicle, either.    at a time. It doesn’t offer blistering acceleration,
                                                                though it’s no slouch. It won’t fit an entire beer
                     Fortunately, the 2022 MINI Cooper SE Electric   league team, but offers plenty of space for weekend
                     isn’t meant for them. It’s less a traditional mode   jaunts to the iTHINK Financial Amphitheater.
                     of transport, and more an Instagram collaborator;
                     less concerned with performing its job than   The SE Electric is for those who value style
                     looking good while doing it.               over tradition; who snub their pierced noses at
                                                                convention and turn their gauged earlobes away
                     Then again, if style is a full-time commitment,   from judgment. It’s for the bourgeois who still
                     the SE Electric is the perennial employee of the   need a car, but don’t want a headache.
                     month. Easily identified by highlighter yellow
                     accents and baroque wheel design, the compact   If you don’t get it, it simply isn’t meant for you.
                     EV makes no apologies for its existence as a niche
                     vehicle targeted toward a specific coterie.

                       Browse all available MINI models now at     Vehicle: 2022 MINI Cooper SE Electric

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