Page 16 - 2021-Fall-Winter Magazine_Club-Braman
P. 16


                                                                                             YOU NEVER THOUGHT IT WOULD
                                                                                           HAPPEN TO YOU.

                                                                                           A split second separates the reality
                                                                                           you knew and your nightmare
                                                                                           come to life. A flash of paint
                                                                                           and steel rocketing toward you
                                                                                           in the rearview mirror was the
                                                                                           only warning. You’re unharmed,
                                                                                           miraculously—but your new BMW
                                                                                           has crumpled from a sedan into
                                                                                           a coupe. You loved that car; now
                                                                                           you’re not sure you’ll ever be able to
                                                                                           enjoy it again.

                                                                                           That’s when your phone rings.
                                                                                           Your Braman client advisor says he
                                                                                           knows just the place that will not
                                                                                           only fix your beloved BMW, but will
                                                                                           deliver it back to you factory-fresh.
                                                                                           He shares a phone number and a
                                                                                           simple directive:

                                                                                           “Call Frank.”
                                                                                                                                              Within two years of coming on   The priority Frank places on
                                                                                           Frank Frasca joined European Paint                 Frank accepted a stake in the   customer service is one he
                                                                                           & Body more than two decades                       enterprise, and alongside his   knows is mirrored at Braman
                                                                                           ago as an opening manager at the                   business partner Scott Morowitz,   Motorcars. The professional
                                                                                           company’s second facility in West                  the two quickly built a customer-  relationship is mutual; Frank
                                                                                           Palm Beach. After growing and                      centric culture that has led   has purchased more than 15
                                                                                           selling his father’s Brooklyn, NY.                 to European Paint & Body    vehicles from the campus over
                                                                                           towing and collision business, he’d                becoming Braman Motorcars’   the past 20 years. His and his
                                                                                           moved down to South Florida; and                   most trusted repair shop.   wife’s current favorites are their
                                                                                           quickly made a name for himself                                                two BMW X5s.
                                                                                           among local luxury dealerships and                 While Frank and Scott’s crew
                                                                                           insurance agencies. He was a hero to               will fix any car to their exacting   You never thought it would
                                                                                           the former—and bane to the latter.
                                                                                                                                              standards, European Paint &   happen to you. Yet your living
                                                                                                                                              Body has made its name picking   nightmare ended as abruptly
                                                                                           Frank’s approach flew in the face of               up the pieces and putting back   as it began when your eyes met
                                                                                           the churn-and-burn, cost-cutting                   together many of the most   your “new” old car for the first
                                                                                           ethos of the underwriters. He and                  valuable vehicles on the road.   time. When the unthinkable
                                                                                           his team never skimped on repairs                  On any given day multiple   happens to Club Braman
                                                                                           nor rushed through projects; in                    exotic, luxury, and classic   members, Frank Frasca, Scott
                                                                                           fact, he would refuse to return a car              cars and trucks can be seen in   Morowitz, and European
                                                                                           to its owner unless he was satisfied               various states of repair. While   Paint & Body accomplish the
                                                                                           that it was as safe as it’d been when              Frank’s methods have made   impossible—no matter what it
                                                                                           new. Advocating for his clients in                 relationships with some insurers   takes.
                                                                                           this way quickly gained more fans                  contentious at times, providers
                                                                                           than detractors.
                                                                                                                                              who deal exclusively with high
                                                                                                                                              net-worth clients understand and   To reach Frank and his team, visit
                                                                                                                                              appreciate the value he provides.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Club Braman Members Frank Frasca and Scott Morowitz

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